executive track
Despite your success you ask yourself: where is this leading me?
You want to change somehow.
Become an inspiring leader. Make things happen that truly matter to the world.
Op niveau werken aan carrière en leiderschap met de ParadigmMethod™ en de TransformationSonar©

Ik ben Kristien De Wolf, auteur van romans en essays, olijfboer en coach sinds 2001. Niet voor één gat te vangen, ontwikkeld en belezen, maar zeker niet doodernstig. Op basis van 20 jaar internationale coachingervaring en 10 jaar research en studie ontwikkelde ik een speciaal executive coaching traject voor goed functionerende leidinggevenden. Rationele mensen die klaar zijn om een grotere steen in de rivier te verleggen en anderen te inspireren.
3 things I know for a fact
Making paradigms shift has nothing to do with ones position in the hierarchy. It can be done from anywhere.
An genuine inspirator will not only lead his direct reports. He also develops impact on his peers, investors, clients, suppliers, partners. His/her impact goes 360° round and helps to change the working environment for the better. This leader succeeds in taking along all people around him to realise valuable things. (That is why we need only 10% of people being conscious to realise a paradigm shift.)
If it is good, developing inspiring leadership involves body, mind and soul and gives great pleasure to all three.
It feels great to be such a leader and it is fantastic to work for one.
If you transform yourself, others will follow and therefor you will see the world around you change in the way that you intended.
This is what we do with the ParadigmMethod™
For whom is this track?
For executives, general managers, people managers, HR officers and change agents, entrepreneurs, academics, volunteers, ... anyone who is leading others and is determined to move however small a stone in the river.
Executives say they dream of a team that dares to challenge them:
this coaching programme will make your people stronger than you are.
Are you up for enrolling them now?
If you have ideas to make things better, but can't bring them to total fruition. Perhaps because you can't convince your stakeholders, board or chef or you just fear the consequences of sticking out your neck.
If you have a secret project, that would make you so fulfilled, if only you could realise it. Something that would be so fantastic for your organisation or environment, but you never do it.
If you are working on a game changing project, but moving forward in a complex context is becoming exhausting to you.
If you are succesful, but it feels like a burden. You dream to take people along effortlessly.
You receive
10 intense, individual half a day executive coaching sessions in 1 year
Start any time
Tailored planning
English or Dutch
Challenging assignments for mind, body and soul
Dedicated measurement instrument: Transformation Sonar ©
Are you fit to join?
What you need is:
Courage and the intention to be yourself and nothing else
Understanding English. (The coaching is done in Dutch or English, but many readings are in English.)
A Dream for yourself, your company and/or for the world.
Admission after intake and screening
Receive also all this
On a personal level you will feel more freedom, more peace, more patience and more courage.
In your organisation and environment you will have more impact 360° round. Yes, also upward.
You will move that stone, slow but steady, leading by example.
Your personal growth will from then on continue automatically and never stop.
People around you will get inspired and you will take them along.​
€ 5480 (excl. 21% VAT)
the new paradigm,
a bright light
in the dark
The true leaders are the ones with positive impact, regardless of their positions and however small it all starts.
About the ParadigmMethod™
The ParadigmMethod™ is based on 20 years of business experience, research, study and active coaching practice. It is "experience oriented" (as opposed to theoretical) and has 3 big phases, integrating body, mind and soul.
1. Tame your ego
get to know yourself
experience what transformation is and where you stand today
understand the double impact of your education
put culture into perspective and let go of what no longer serves you
let go of emotional fear, old anxieties and programming, gain complete rationality about the present moment
become conscious of your toolbox: your talent, your assets at your fingertips, release all limits in using it
2. Open your heart
experience the power of an open heart, find your mission
release all judgement over others
operate from a healthy body: hydrated, oxygen rich, moving, tox free, down to earth
let go of physical fear and attachment
gain basic trust that it will be all right
make a spiritual connection with the world and everything in it
3. Choose your contribution to the world
find the area to express your mission (project)
adopt a supporting cosmologic concept
"The ParadigmMethod™ is learning by feeling, experiencing, not just book knowledge"
Or call:
+ 32/476 40 74 15